Web Design

Web Design

We ensure the development of all kinds of corporate identity elements, starting from the logo and emblem, in order to be suitable for the characteristics of the business of the institution and to create correct and permanent ideas about the institution in the minds of the targeted customer group.

Aesthetics and Usability

According to many people; When it comes to web design, aesthetics comes to mind first. According to a study on Internet users; If users do not like the web design of a site they visit or cannot find what they are looking for within a few seconds, they immediately leave that site. At this point, we ensure that the most appropriate visual elements are distributed proportionally to the whole project, without forgetting that each user’s eye taste may be different. With appropriate menus, shortcuts and sitemap, we design items that will instantly find what the visitor is looking for and provide ease of use.
We are very meticulous about not protecting the standards from the biggest mistakes made in designs. In the design and programming stages of each website, the standards created by us are applied on top of the standardized values ​​in terms of internet.


In addition to web design, all kinds of applications to be created within the site use the most technological systems under the conditions of the day, and there are standards adopted and in practice by Dream Works Design LTD.